
Saturday, March 1, 2014


We finally made it to trigger night ahhh i'm so happy to not have to take any more shots after tonight. Things went good today at the doctors office we are still looking at getting seven to eight eggs I am happy with that. I have no idea how other people fit 20 plus eggs in there I feel so full and bloated and I don't have near that many how do you walk?! We are scheduled for egg retrieval bright and early Monday morning so that means trigger shot tonight at 10:15 pm. I cant wait for this part to be over with it really did seem to go by fast and with not too many side effects. I already took my last Menopur injections and the antagon all I have left for tonight is the trigger. I decided to go with progesterone suppositories this time around I don't know if its because i'm such a tiny person or what the deal is but the injections last time damaged my nerves and its a constant numb tingling feeling now in the spots where we did them its been two months and it still feels like that so I hope it will go away eventually but no more of those for me. I wish the weather was going to be nicer so we could get out on a hike before i'm bed ridden. I cant wait for Wednesday we are most likely going to do the three day transfer still please let this work this time!

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