I figured it was about time I do an update on how everything is progressing I am just going to start following a format so I can keep it all together and make sure I note all the important things!
How far along: 22 Weeks!!!
Baby's size: A Papaya does that sound huge to anyone else baby boy has been growing!!
Baby's progress: This always amazes me each week when I read up on him I cant believe he is around a foot long in length and a whole pound makes me so happy I feel so proud already!
Weight gain: Working on this but baby is growing just fine started out at 103 now up to 108 finally!
Stretch marks: Poor boobs look so different than what they started out like but im okay with it thats the only place I have noticed any marks so far.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good still I wake up now to pee again like I was doing at the start he is really starting to take up some space now. I am mostly worried about sleeping on my back but we got me a snoogle and it has been amazing at keeping me on my sides!
Gender: Little man!!!!!!!
Movement: Oh yes its a party in there didnt you know when the sun goes down is about when it really is getting started its been so amazing I love every second of it.
Best moment of the week: Ordering the glider and rocker should get here tomorrow cant wait to get the nursery finished.
Looking forward too: Our 23 Anatomy scan we already know we are having a boy but we still have not gotten the long anatomy scan I am nervous and just hope he is healthy and growing well he sure feels like he is.
Food cravings: I have not noticed much of a difference in this I still want the same old things but maybe a chicken enchilada more often then normal.
Labor signs: No thanks stay away please!
symptoms: Nothing too much really definitely feeling some growing pains it feels like ovulation almost its pretty weird.
Workouts: I honestly have been slacking im scared to be to active until I get further along and since I have only gained 5 pounds I am trying to keep all my calories I can get soon here though I will be buying a treadmill and walking everyday.
What I miss: Nothing I couldn't live without forever if I had to but I do miss a nice cold Mojito and not walking around like an old person because im scared lol.
Things that suck: Not a single thing I can think sucks right now I have waited for this for years im loving every minute of growing my baby boy.
Things that dont suck: Everything I am so happy and everyday is a new milestone and little man has grown that much stronger its such a blessing!
And there you have it 5 and half months pregnant it was flying by now im just so anxious to get there and meet this little boy of mine!

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