Monday, July 7, 2014
Hope everyone had a fourth of July this one was the best yet celebrating with kicks from baby boy it was great! We decided to go camping just the two and a half of us ha ha and the dogs of course. It was really fun we sort of made our own camping spot and it was away from all the madness up the canyon that day. It turned out to be a really good time we played some washer toss and cooked a very yummy dinner on the coals. We had everything all set up to stay up there for the night but around ten o clock we decided the bed sounded much nicer and packed it all back up and went home lol. Very good choice because we had lots to do the next day. We got his room all painted and it turned out so great I am so happy with the color we went with a graceful grey and it looks amazing I cant wait to get the new carpet in and be able to start putting it together more. We made it halfway today I am 20 weeks and couldn't be more grateful things have been going smoothly and I pray it stays that way. I can not believe how big he is getting they compare him to a BANANA sooo crazy to me to think he is that big already but I can tell he is growing and getting stronger his kicks are all over and you can actually see more then one area of my belly move now its just the best thing ever!! I have gained maybe only two pounds it kind of worries me but he measures fine every time at our ultrasounds I have my 20 week appointment tomorrow and we will see what the midwife says. I am starting to get the belly I always dreamed of and I could not be more happy. My husband feels him kick and move and kisses my belly he is going to be the best Dad ever I just cant wait to see them two together. I have finally gotten some stretch marks none on my stomach but my poor boobs have just gotten so ridiculously big it was inevitable im sure but thats just fine with me. I cant wait to get further along and start the official count down to when he gets here. We have our big anatomy scan at the end of this month when I will be 23 weeks I just hope for good news and things keep going this smoothly I feel so lucky to be here.


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