
Monday, March 17, 2014

up down and up again

This roller coaster ride never ends I swear it has only gotten worse since my first positive. I am so so happy to finally be pregnant but it sure does not come without worries. I am so scared now because I started spotting light pink then it turned to this dark brown stuff, and now im bleeding red just like a period I have no cramping or anything like that just bleeding. I thought for sure I was having a miscarriage and i'm still definitely not out of the danger zone yet not even close I don't know that there is ever a point where your out of it its always there. So panicked I called my doctor office and they got me in right away to do a beta blood test which I was scheduled for one tomorrow anyways. Just got the call and I was so scared I thought for sure bleeding like this it had to be gone by now but all my tests have gotten darker so I was just so confused on what was happening. The levels came back at 77!!!! I know that is not really high but its not low either he said that was a great starting number and my progesterone was a little low even though I am on the suppositories came back at like a 15 so he gave me a booster shot of it then I have a little PIO leftover from last cycle i'm going to use until it runs out on top the the suppositories. Gosh I just dont know how to feel really im still scared about the bleeding I don't know why I am bleeding its just like a period no clots no cramping just blood im hoping it goes away soon. He has put me back on the dexamethasone just in case my body is attacking the embryo which he thought could be happening. I guess we will see what happens from here I don't go back until Friday!!! Ughhh so far away I just hope the bleeding stops so I can have a little piece of mind but at least I can keep being crazy and POAS just to see it get darker until then!!! I'm so thankful to make it this far I truly am either way this goes today I am still pregnant and that makes me feel lucky and happy. Its taken us Two failed IUI cycles, One failed IVF cycle, well over $20,000, countless needles and medication to get to this point and finally I have a positive even if the outcome ends up not being what we wanted which I hope and pray is not the case I am still so grateful to make it this far I know how much of a gamble this stuff is I know how hard it is but one day we will all make it we will all eventually become mothers or fathers we just have to keep our heads up and keep on fighting for it!!!! A reward does not get much better than a baby.

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