Seriously I said I would be good this time and be patient. Well who are we kidding I have zero patience and if this is the only time I can pee on a stick and be hopeful well then why not do it as soon as I possibly can right. So today which is 6dp3dt I tested this morning and of course it was negative at this point im really not worried yet its super early and a lot of people dont get a positive until 11 or 12 dpo so im okay and not freaking out yet! I don't feel much but I don't really think i'm supposed to be either my body would not even know it was pregnant yet if it was but my boobs kill from the progesterone and I have had a few cramps which really is probably just my poor ovaries shrinking back down after being drugged. I feel pretty good still i'm glad the shots and stuff are over just taking the pills now and the suppositories are not bad at all I was all worried they would be really gross but no I dont even leak really just stick it up there and lay down for a while and i'm good to go. I will probably keep testing everyday from now on just to torture myself but really this time i'm not that worried I mean of course I want this to work more than anything but what is sitting around crying all day going to do either way for it Nothing!! So im just going to be my happy self and go to work and hope for the best that is all I can do for now.
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