
Friday, January 31, 2014

Moving forward

So after that last post I could not stop worrying about everything getting ruined. I just really truly did not want to have to wait until May that just feels like so long away when I could be doing it in March. I ended up making a doctor appointment just to have an ultrasound and make sure I didn't have any cysts or anything that could be a potential issue. I was so nervous on the way there it was the one time my husband has not been able to come and well it just sucks to not have that support when your getting all that fun stuff done. Thank goodness there was nothing wrong and he ended up telling me to start the birth control that same day. I have never been so damn excited to take birth control ever before lol it was pretty ironic. So now here we are day three being on it and so far no side effects or anything it seriously has been like over five years since I have taken anything like that so we will see how I start to feel as time goes on glad its only for three weeks. I just cant wait to start this cycle I really feel so much better about this one going into it we just have so much more knowledge about how my body reacts its going to go good! I will leave you with some IVF humor :)

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