Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Three months old
We made it my little man is three whole months old and its just crazy to think back to going through IVF and to see where we are now. Never would I have imagined I would have this sweet baby boy and I cant be thankful enough for him. I makes me so sad to think that if we would not have done things at the exact moment in time that we did this precious little boy would not be here. It could be a whole different baby and I just am so happy that we were blessed with him he was the one we were waiting for and he is just amazing. I love his little personality that is coming out he is such a happy little guy! He spends most of the day smiling and it just melts my heart. We have finally gotten a few laughs out of him and its the most adorable thing ever he sure makes you work for those though. He is starting to hold his head up really well and can support it most of the time himself. He eats about every two hours still but at nights he will go three to four. He is a very big boy at 15 pounds he definitely likes his milk. We have gotten into a pretty good schedule and the days fly right by. He just now has started to be very interested in his toys he really loves this one we have the you can spin it and it makes a really loud sound he is so smart and will spin it around and around to hear the noise. I cant believe how smart he already is they just grow and learn so fast it really is amazing. He is wearing size three diapers and has the chubbiest little legs. He can roll onto his side I think if his cloth diapers were not so big on him because they are the one size fits all that he could probably roll onto his stomach I try to give him some naked time so he can do it easier but then we get pee all over lol. He has already started to get sad if he loses sight of me and will start to whine and the second I pop back up he is all smiles again. He really seems to have started teething and gets slobber everywhere and is constantly sucking on his little fingers. We have started to put him in his crib for naps and I have to say the baby monitor is by far the best purchase to date! After a ton of research we spent quite a bit of money on his mattress and I am very happy with it. Its by far the best one out there and most natural organic they make. We got the coco mattress its made out of pure organic coconut husk its seriously amazing but costs us about 400$ well worth it though since he will spend half his little life sleeping on it. He is wearing 3-6 clothes and is just a joy to have around I seriously cant wait for christmas this year its going to be the best! Only issue right now is bedtime its so hard because he is sleeping in our bed next to me which makes breastfeeding at night sooo easy but I am currently feeding him to bed and so when its his bedtime I pretty much have to go to bed too and its kind of a pain in the ass to go to bed so early but usually I am pretty tired by then too. I dont know what to do because he falls asleep so easily and peacefully when I feed him to bed. This is only for nighttime for naps he will put himself to sleep no problem in his crib. I just dont know what to do because for naps he sleeps on his belly while I can watch him very close I dont dare do this at night and he just wont sleep on his back unless I am next to him. Hopefully soon we can get this figured out so we can have our night times back and not have to be so quiet at 8pm lol. I just love this little boy more then I ever thought I could and cant wait to see him grow.
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