Thursday, November 19, 2015
First Birthday Prep!
I can not believe we are already here. This Saturday is my little miracle boy's first birthday party! His actual birthday is next week on the 25th but that is one day before Thanksgiving and that weekend is going to be crazy enough! I have so many emotions I just cant believe after everything this is where we are at in life. I am so blessed to have this little boy he is turning into such a sweetheart. He loves to give anything a hug be it me or his stuffed animals even the dogs. He is such a lover boy and im so happy. I am super busy these next couple days getting everything ready. I want it to be perfect for him I know he wont even remember but after how hard we fought to get this boy here I want him to have nothing but the best. You only turn one once so better make it count! We are going with a Dr.seuss theme and its adorable. I just cant wait to get him all dressed up and to have family over to celebrate his first year of life. He has just been the best thing to ever happen to us and I am just so thankful he is here and healthy. The future is so bright with his little life in it check back soon for his ONE year update and Birthday recap. I cant wait!!!!
Monday, November 2, 2015
We had such a good first Halloween with our little boy. Its really so much better with a little one around. I a so thankful I have him and get to experience these little firsts with a healthy little guy. I have been planning his first costume since long before he was born I remember being so excited last year when I was nine months pregnant. I just couldn't wait until this year to dress him all up. It turned out awesome and he was adorable he had a great time checking out all the kids trick or treating we went around the block and it was just enough for his age. He was ready to be home after that he was very intrigued in the whole thing. He loved playing with the candy and we gave him some organic fruit snacks for a little treat Dad got all the good stuff! Just a few pictures of our fun night. Cant believe its his BIRTHDAY month ahhh so much to do!!
Monday, October 26, 2015
Busy Life With An Eleven Month Old
Oh man guys how do I let this get away? At least I feel I have some valid excuses this time around other then all my attention going to my sweet little boy. We have had a CRAZY past month! First off we were in the process of buying a home which thank goodness is finally over and we found a beautiful and also moved. Seriously people I am never moving again EVER! Its a terrible process we moved three times in the past three months. First we sold our town home and then moved all of our stuff into my moms house for storage. Then a week later we moved it from her home to the house we were renting for only three months while we looked for a new house. The reason for that was we wanted to be sure our home sold before we bought a new one we couldn't afford two mortgages. Thank goodness about a month until time ran out and we would have no home we found a gorgeous home to put an offer in and we got it! So finally to move for the third time but it was worth it just pure madness I tell ya. All in the process of those things happening I launched two new businesses. In my hopes to be able to stay at home and raise Aiden eventually I would have to go back to work sometime next year so I came up with these two ideas in hopes to avoid that happening. So far its going okay its definitely not easy getting a new business out there. My first one is a unique candle making one. Its called Healing Stone Candles. I make homemade candles and in each one I add a surprise healing stone like quartz for example. So you never know which stone and healing properties you will get. In some I also add a valuable pendant that can rage from 30-200$. Its been pretty fun I love making them so its nice I have something to enjoy. If you would like go check out my Etsy store. . Next this one is the more exciting one! I opened a business called Green Love Products. I find the safest and most eco friendly kids and baby products I can and sell them on amazon. Right now we have a few really exciting products. We launched an eco kids dinner set that is made from rice husks and its adorable also chemical free. Another one is this cute Mama and baby teether that is a koala necklace and its organic, bpa free silicone. I love them and my little boy of course loves all these things and I can feel safe knowing whats in them and knowing its not going to harm him with chemicals. We have a lot of exciting things in the works. Right now we only have a facebook page for it. . I am thinking about doing a giveaway here on the blog soon in hopes to get our name out there. Now lets get back to my little man. He turned eleven months old yesterday and we are in full on party planning mode. Have been for a while honestly ha ha I am way too excited but its definitely a milestone to celebrate! He is so close to walking and can stand all by himself. He is all over the house everywhere like a crazy little monkey and can climb up the stairs so fast! We had a lot of baby proofing to do in our new home. He absolutely loves the dogs and cats and drives them all crazy with his "love" for them ha ha. He is turning into such a sweet little guy. Tantrums are starting for sure and he is definitely testing his boundaries. He is learning new words really fast and can say Dada, kitty cat "every animal is a kitty cat", bye bye, hi, that. He will point his little finger wherever he wants to go and say that its the cutest. We started doing flashcards and he is so smart he can already point out a huge amount of them and knows what they are. He has started to pick up anything and use it like a phone and he just blabs away anything even a cup, toy, paper on the ground, his cute little hand its my favorite. He is growing up so fast I am trying to savor every moment of it. We are still nursing like he was a newborn ha ha its rough but im sure one day I will look back and be glad he didnt start to wean at all yet. Nights are still hard he wakes up crying all night sometimes and some nights he sleeps until around five am then eats and will go back down for a few hours its always a gamble. I am getting really excited for the holidays and cant wait to see him experience them in all his little one year old self. I hope everything has been going great for everyone I have been reading blogs still just not had time to sit down and write mine!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Nine months old and a Half ..
Geez here I am late again!! Am I ever going to get one of these done on time again? At least I have some legitimate excuses this time around. Mostly its this little adorable monster that gets into anything and everything he can. Nothing is safe anymore its pure madness in this house. Another huge thing is we bought a home!! A real actual house not a townhouse!! I could not be more excited its such a huge blessing to have found such a beautiful house for us to grow in. I have already bought the new dining set and little mans new bedroom decor. I cant help myself I am just so excited to finally have a real house to make our own. On to this little boy, He is growing and getting smarter every single day. I cant believe how much these little ones can learn so fast! He is so so close to walking he has great balance and can stand up unassisted but is still not confident enough to take steps alone. If we are holding his hand he loves to walk all over the house. Its only a matter of time before he is walking and to be honest im glad he has not yet because he already crawls so fast all over the house that I am constantly chasing him everywhere and let me tell you he is quick!! We had our first scare that was more than enough of one for me. He likes to play in the kitchen while im doing dishes and he plays on the chairs and table. He has always done just fine and loves to slap his little hands on the chair seats, well I was just doing our usual when I heard him fall and a loud thud went with him. I ran around the counter so fast and he had fallen and took the kitchen chair with him!! I was freaking out and he had a really mean gash just above his eye. Poor thing I was scaring him more myself I think because I was so panicked and grabbed him and rushed to the urgent care! Thankfully he didnt need stitches or even glue it was not actually too bad but bad enough for me. So now little mr is no where allowed near the kitchen anymore. It was by far the worst experience and I hope to not have anymore like it forever if we can manage that. At his nine month check up he was about 18 lbs. At the urgent care which just happened last week he was 19 lbs. He is growing so big and acts more and more like a little boy and not an infant. He still loves to eat anything we are eating and seems to be a bottomless pit! He is nursing all day and night still im not sure if we are doing something wrong but he is no where near slowing down. Sleep is a sore subject I am tired every single day this boy I dont think will ever get the hang of sleeping. The longest he has went was seven hours and that was just once the other night. His usual is up at the minimum three times a night then ready for the day bright and early at 6 or 630 am. I dont really know what to do but go with it and hope that one day magic happens and he sleeps through. I am ready to night wean though or at least cut back somehow. I do let him cry some nights but the past two weeks I have felt really bad because he hurt his poor face and he is also teething really bad. He has his bottom two in and now the top two have just cut through and poor baby is miserable. To top it off we have all had terrible colds so sleep has been not good in this household. He has finally learned his first real word that he associates with what it actually means. Its up and its the cutest thing in the world. He will grab his little toy ball and hold it up as high as he can get it and say up! I love it its so adorable he will do it over and over. He is starting to babble more and more but no real other words I can make out yet. He is definitely all boy and loves his basketball hoop he will put the ball in over and over and knows how to work all the little buttons on it. He has started going to his toy box and pulling every single toy out and its been real fun lol! He loves to give hugs and will love on his stuffed animals all day. The tantrums have already begun and are scary yet cute at the same time. We are trying to just stick with positive reinforcement and so far it does the job well we just distract him with something he can do and he will go with it. His favorite right now is giving high fives and slobbery kisses. WE love him to death and he just keeps getting more and more fun as he grows and is able to take in more around him. I cant wait for the holidays and to have my sweet boy with us to celebrate. I have already started planning his first birthday and could not be more excited with how it is turning out. Time is just flying by and soon we will have a one year old I cant hardly believe it!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
8 months old
Well clearly I am a little late and I would have to blame this little mobile almost nine month old! He is into EVERYTHING!! Its adorable though we are at such a fun yet exhausting stage. This little boy is growing by leaps and bounds. He is the smartest little thing and learns new stuff all day long. I need to write it all down before I start getting things all mixed up he does new stuff everyday. Lets talk about food! His appetite has really grown he seems to be hungry no matter what. He is a bottomless pit I swear! This is a typical day of eating for this boy. Wakes up about 630-7 am. Nurses on both sides completely empties them! Then we head out to get the day started and I either give him some applesauce or a yogurt with some fruit. Maybe he will have a few puffs for a little snack then he will nurse again before naptime around 930-10. Once he is up either a half hour to sometimes an hour and a half I will make him a bigger breakfast sometimes we just skip to lunch time. He will have eggs and fruit or maybe some french toast even a waffle. For lunches we do grilled cheeses he LOVES those! Or I will just boil some veggies and let him go at it. He really loves anything and everything. I will feed him a huge meal and then make me some and I never get away without sharing it. Then for the afternoon he will have another nap and when he is up I will give him another snack pretty much just anything healthy I can find thats easy. Around 6pm is dinner and he gets whatever we are having as long as we are not cheating and having take out or something if thats the case I will whip him up something small and healthier. He loves all sorts of dinners. He will eat chicken and rice or hamburger he really loves it all. I feel like I could feed him all day long and he would still gladly eat it all gone. I am thinking we are in trouble with groceries the bigger he gets lol. He is still up twice a night to nurse also boy is a hungry little hippo! *Teeth! He has two bottom front ones all the way in and im sure the top two are going to be coming in no time! He is really good with them while nursing I have only been bitten maybe three times and he listens well when I tell him No bite! Sleep is still a work in progress boy has never been a good sleeper. Some nights he will go seven hours which is amazing but its hardly a frequent happening in this house. He seems to still be every three to four hours and I will tell you I am very very tired! I am handling it though it does get harder on different days. Sometimes I wonder how it would be to be one of those that have babies that sleep 10 plus hours at night right from the start. Then I think about all the extra time im getting to spend with him and it makes it all okay it wont be long before I am missing getting up with him at night and him needing me. Mobility has really soared. He has been crawling since he was about four months old so now that he is almost nine months old he is a little pro. This boy can practically run on his little knees! He is crazy fast and will anyday be taking his first steps. He loves to pull up on anything and everything and he can run while holding onto the couch or the stair railing. He also will crawl over anything be it us or a box really anything! I bought him a ball pit thinking hey this will contain him for a second so maybe I can say get the dishes done without my little helper "helping". Nope that boy crawled right over that ball pit and on his little way he went. Very cute though!! He is a little social butterfly and is scared of nothing. Loves loud noises loves the vacuum I can chase him around with it and he could care less how loud it is. He is a little cheeser out in public big huge smiles and lately he has been doing a little scrunchy nose face and smiles with his eyes its adorable and of course everyone just loves it. He is really getting into books and loves to play with them while talking away. He can clap and give high fives. He will way hello and goodbye. He also loves to kick balls. He is really good at actually kicking it too we may have a little future soccer player on our hands although daddy is hoping for football ha ha. He really has turned into such a little kid these days I just cant believe this boy is the same little newborn we brought home not even nine months ago. He adores the pets and loves to be out in nature. We could not be more lucky to have this smart healthy little boy in our lives. I cant believe I am already planning a First birthday party soon! So very grateful!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Seven month update
These updates keep coming faster and faster it seems. This boy is growing and learning so fast it blows my mind. I swear sometimes I feel like I have a little super star kid this boy is so so smart already. He amazes me everyday just how much he changes. This month brought a lot of fun new things. Little man has gotten super fast at crawling he loves it when I chase him and he will crawl as fast as his little legs will take him its adorable I need to get a video of it. He is getting really good at finding what toy he wants to get and crawls to it then he will just sit right up and start to play with it he is very efficient at it and has no problem plopping back down and going on his way to another toy. I have a feeling he is going to be walking in no time he will crawl to anywhere he can reach and pull himself right up to standing. Its been scary I can no longer even run to bathroom to pee because in seconds that boy will be off somewhere trying to stand up and its just madness. His hand eye coordination is awesome he can put little basketballs in the mini hoop we got him and he loves to put his books in and out of the book box on the floor. We have bought him a little cube learning center and he goes crazy on it he can do every single thing on it without a problem he loves turning the gears. My baby boy got his first tooth! Its still cutting through poor thing but its pretty visible and you can feel the sharp tops of it. Life has been a little crazy we finally sold our home and right now we are living in a home for rent for three months while we figure out what the real plan is. Poor boy got threw off his routine and im paying for it he is back to waking up at least four times a night but its okay im very tired again but im sure he is confused hopefully soon it gets back to only once or twice. We got family pictures done finally and they are awesome I only have a couple previews right now im excited to see the rest. I just cant believe how fast this kid is learning I already feel like I need to watch my language around him because he knows what is going on im sure not everything but that boy is smart and its only a matter of time before he is repeating what we say lol. He loves his solids thats for sure he will eat pretty much anything we give him. Most dinners we will just make a little side for him with no seasonings or stuff like that and put it on his high chair and he will go right at it and eat it all up he has gotten very good at getting the food into his mouth and not all over the floor. The tantrums have already started boy is obsessed with the gross dog toys we have bought that kid a million toys and the second he sets eyes on the dog toy he flies for it and when I go to get it he screams and arches his back all crazy its adorable but seems so soon were in for it I can tell. I love him to pieces I am so so happy I got him he has grown right into our family and I cant wait for all the new adventures to come I wonder what month eight will bring im going to bet he will be walking by then we will see!

Friday, June 5, 2015
I have been featured!!
Go check out the awesome TTC site
they have a lot of good information and positive stories!!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Six months old and lots of Firsts
I swear I tried my hardest not to blink and here we are a whole half a year has already flew by. This month has been full of lots of new discoveries and firsts. Not all of them have been good ones. We had our first fever and I seriously didn't handle it well at all I am not sure if it was the trauma of going through IVF or what but I could have sworn my poor little boy was getting very sick and that something terrible was happening. Thank goodness it was not I was just being a scared first time mom but that feeling of helplessness was something strong. Poor guy was teething im pretty sure because it lasted just one long horrible day and that was that. I took that boys temperature probably at least fifty times poor guy but I was terrified. Then not only two days later he got his first cold thank goodness for the nose frida I love that thing him not so much! So that is where we are now we have all had the sniffles and coughs but things are getting better so cant complain. The sixth month has brought on a whole new exciting world with Aiden. He has been making leaps and bounds in his development. He is still very much loving his solids he gets them twice usually a day with a snack thrown in sometimes. He has tried all sorts of foods at this point we were mostly giving him pureed food that I would make but now that he is six months old we are giving him one meal whole so he can get the hang of feeding himself. He picked up on it very quick it is hilarious I dont know if its the way it feels in his fingers or what but he will be so freaked out at first every time we give him something he pokes it and gags a little bit its the cutest. The boy has found his voice and instead of babbling like he used to he SCREAMS for everything all day long just yelling and screaming its been a bit hard to handle my poor ears need some plugs im afraid the neighbors think we are beating the poor guy but he is happy the whole time just likes to scream to get his point across. We moved him into his own room and it was really rough at first I mean he still wakes up a lot at night but adding that to me watching the monitor while he was asleep about wore me out I was very very tired for that first week. Its been about three weeks now and I have gotten better he still wakes up about three times a night but at least I can finally sleep again while he is. I cant wait for him to sleep more I am not sure what it is but he has never ever been a good sleeper and now at six months of this im finally getting worn out from it I have tried letting him cry a little to see if he will settle himself and nooo he sure wont he will just scream louder and louder until he is breathing funny and I just cant deal with that but I do hope soon he gets it and will sleep at night better. The slobber has came back full force and im positive we will see a tooth any day now pop through. I think the funnest new thing happening right now is that we have a crawler this kid can get around now and it is the cutest thing he goes all over but he is not so sure of the tile where its carpeted he will get right to the end where the tile starts and slaps his little hands on it then turns around I wouldn't want to crawl on that hard surface either! He has been sitting by himself now for a couple weeks and it makes him look like such a big boy. He is very smart and I feel like he is already able to understand somewhat is going on around him. We have his six month check up today and I am excited to see how much he has grown my sore back can tell you already that its a lot. As for me and my husband we have a made a huge life changing decision we have put our home up for sell and are going to be moving out of state!! The house listed on Tuesday and we went under contract that same day it went so fast it was crazy! I am excited to get out of Utah and go to the pretty state of Oregon. The biggest reason for doing this is to raise our boy somewhere better the people here are not so nice and there is just not a whole lot to do for kids. The schools in Oregon are some of the best in the country and its beautiful and full of good nice people. We cant wait to get out there and start our new life lots of adventures await us!! We are still cloth diapering and breastfeeding solids have not changed any feeds at all if anything this boy eats more now then ever!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Five months old
Well I did really good all of the other months with staying caught up but this month I got behind. I really wanted to keep up with my blog more but priorities come into play and this one is just not as high up. Little man is now 5 and a half months old that half a year mark is right around the corner and its so crazy. I swear this little cutie just is the smartest thing ever. When you think of a baby you think of a newborn at least I always did i didn't think they could start really having their own wants and things like that until they were much older like at least one years old. Well this little boy makes his wants and needs very known we will have all his toys laid out to play with and he will pick the one that he can sometimes make himself gag on and so I seen him do it a few times and was like welp this toy is going away for a while and grabbed it hid it behind the other toys and gave him another of his favorites. Well who did i think I was fooling not smarty pants no no he dug through all the toys and grabbed that one he had right back up and was a happy little camper I couldn't believe he knows things like that already. So I gave in and held it for him to chew on oh man it was hilarious though that little look of oh I got you cant trick me was the best. He is such a strong boy he has been rolling all over the house for over a month now and when he see's an animal he will not crawl exactly but drag and roll his little body right over to get his hands on them. He LOVES the pets we have two cats and two dogs and boy is obsessed. He has fallen in love with his jumparoo and will stay and play happily in it for 30 minutes even he loves to rip out the toys from the frame its hilarious im like well who built this and thought it was baby proof he will pull them right out of their holes in the frame. He is still no where sleeping through the night and i'm okay with it my body has adjusted to waking up four, five even six times a night but in the morning I still feel like I got enough sleep some days are tougher then others but here soon I think we will put him in his own room if I can handle it! He is a very observant little boy he loves to be in the conversation or be talked about he knows it too. He is such a happy guy and will smile at anyone all day long. He still has no teeth yet I thought for sure he would by now but I can tell he is feeling it poor boy. He can hold himself in a standing position as long as he is holding on good to something for support I really think he is going to be walking well before a year old. He has really dived right in to eating solids and has tried all kinds of organic foods I started out pureeing them myself really well until almost liquid and slowly I am leaving them more and more chunky so he can get used to chewing im hoping here in another month or so to have him doing baby led weaning he will definitely grab food and feed himself but he is a hungry boy and gets frustrated if its not happening fast enough ha ha. I feel like i'm really getting this motherhood thing down and have fallen so in love with my boy I cant imagine it ever being another way now i'm amazed still that I get to keep him forever and life is just good! We are in the process of selling our townhome and buying a real one so wish us luck!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
4 months old!!
Ahhh my little boy is starting to be such a big boy!! I know every mom is always like I cant believe it but it really is crazy. One day you have this tiny little newborn and all the sudden you have this baby that acts like such a big kid and it just all happens so fast. Well mr Aiden is exactly four months old today he has his check up on friday I cant wait to see how much he has grown im betting this boy is at least 17 lbs he sure loves his momma milk. I spent such a long time researching when to start solids and everything is just such a joke no one even knows when the best time is I feel like its all just a bunch of crap. So I threw out all the research and started watching him and letting him tell me when he was ready well he can pretty much sit up by himself and he has been grabbing at our food and I just could tell he at least wanted to see what all the good smells were about. So we made some organic carrots and let him try them and he absolutely loved it. He definitely has lots his reflex and was eating and swallowing the food. How do I know this for sure well his next few dirty diapers had all the proof! He is not getting much though maybe a tbl or two and its not ever day either. He is drinking the same amount of milk as he was before maybe even more this 4 month growth spurt is no lie! I am glad I just went with my instincts on it though he is for sure ready to start tasting some real food but in no way is it going to be replacing his nursing feeds. I cant believe how smart he is getting he has been playing with his toys for weeks now and loves to stick everything in his little mouth. He can even turn the noisemaker toys so that they will make the noises its just crazy I feel like he is so small to be learning everything like that already humans are truly amazing beings. We got him a jumparoo and he loves it he goes crazy in it talking and hitting all the toys making them light up and sing. I swear I show him how to do things once and he remembers. Sleep is still sad days in this home this boy likes his night feedings a lot! I am still feeding him three sometimes four or more times a night luckily he goes right back to sleep after but I sure cant wait until we can cut out a couple of them. We had a few hard days with naps once he figured out how to roll both ways. I would lay him down for a nap and he usually would just put himself to sleep but those few days he would just roll and roll and roll and not go to sleep at all it was terrible! Now he seems to be over it and will nap again but it seems like he is into a 30 minute nap habit now. I am sure its just because of how much his little brain is growing and it must be hard to deal with all this new stuff happening. I love this little boy so much and although I miss sleeping all night I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
The dreaded M word
I have been very fortunate up until this point when it came to breastfeeding. My little man knew right away what to do right at the start we had to use a nipple shield for the first two weeks and after that I tried to put him on without and we never looked back. I never got the cracked nipples and sure it hurt a little at first until they got toughened up but other then that it was smooth sailing milk came in on day three and all was well. That is until last thursday and I woke up with a rock hard lump in my right breast. I thought oh I must have just not had him empty it enough. I tried to get him to eat for a while on it but it did not go away and I was sooo tired I just went back to sleep and thought I would worry about it in the morning. A few hours later I woke up shivering to death I was sooo cold but I could tell I felt extremely hot I took my temp and sure enough it was around 103 I thought I was going to die sounds drastic but its true I had never felt so terrible in all my life and it only took hours to feel that sick. I woke up and tried to pump and pump to get the clog out but to no avail. I took the hottest shower I could and massaged it until I had bruises. I pretty much tried everything I could think of to take care of it without having to get on medication I did everything all the natural things you could think of and I just cried my little heart out that I couldnt get it to go away by 48 hours I was done I was miserable beyond belief and trying to take care of my little boy was just soo hard I felt so bad I could barley get him out of his crib let alone play with him. So to the dreaded doctors I went and sure enough I had full blown mastitis. I would never wish this upon anyone it was by far the worst infection I have ever had and now im on antibiotics I feel much better but im scared to death its going to come back I am terrified it will. I also thought I was running out of milk and was just so so sad with my body. I know I was doing too much and needed to slow down little man still wakes 3-4 times a night if not more so sleep is not good but I handle it well and can function without much but its obvious my body still needs it more then my mind must. I am taking probiotics along with the antibiotics hopefully they can battle it out and I still get some of my good bacteria. I am so afraid for my little man to get thrush from them but he has been fine so far so im praying he is handling it okay. I am now trying to take extra care of my body and also my mind I need to eat better sleep more and stress less and hopefully this will never ever happen again. There are lots of exciting things coming up though im excited that spring is finally here and warm weather is coming! Also my little boy will soon be four months old and with that comes a lot of new exciting milestones I cant wait to share what he is already doing and we are waiting for his new jumparoo to come in the mail he is going to love it. Well that is what I have been up to this past week no fun but cant wait for all the new stuff that is about to come with my boy hope everyone is doing well.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Three months old
We made it my little man is three whole months old and its just crazy to think back to going through IVF and to see where we are now. Never would I have imagined I would have this sweet baby boy and I cant be thankful enough for him. I makes me so sad to think that if we would not have done things at the exact moment in time that we did this precious little boy would not be here. It could be a whole different baby and I just am so happy that we were blessed with him he was the one we were waiting for and he is just amazing. I love his little personality that is coming out he is such a happy little guy! He spends most of the day smiling and it just melts my heart. We have finally gotten a few laughs out of him and its the most adorable thing ever he sure makes you work for those though. He is starting to hold his head up really well and can support it most of the time himself. He eats about every two hours still but at nights he will go three to four. He is a very big boy at 15 pounds he definitely likes his milk. We have gotten into a pretty good schedule and the days fly right by. He just now has started to be very interested in his toys he really loves this one we have the you can spin it and it makes a really loud sound he is so smart and will spin it around and around to hear the noise. I cant believe how smart he already is they just grow and learn so fast it really is amazing. He is wearing size three diapers and has the chubbiest little legs. He can roll onto his side I think if his cloth diapers were not so big on him because they are the one size fits all that he could probably roll onto his stomach I try to give him some naked time so he can do it easier but then we get pee all over lol. He has already started to get sad if he loses sight of me and will start to whine and the second I pop back up he is all smiles again. He really seems to have started teething and gets slobber everywhere and is constantly sucking on his little fingers. We have started to put him in his crib for naps and I have to say the baby monitor is by far the best purchase to date! After a ton of research we spent quite a bit of money on his mattress and I am very happy with it. Its by far the best one out there and most natural organic they make. We got the coco mattress its made out of pure organic coconut husk its seriously amazing but costs us about 400$ well worth it though since he will spend half his little life sleeping on it. He is wearing 3-6 clothes and is just a joy to have around I seriously cant wait for christmas this year its going to be the best! Only issue right now is bedtime its so hard because he is sleeping in our bed next to me which makes breastfeeding at night sooo easy but I am currently feeding him to bed and so when its his bedtime I pretty much have to go to bed too and its kind of a pain in the ass to go to bed so early but usually I am pretty tired by then too. I dont know what to do because he falls asleep so easily and peacefully when I feed him to bed. This is only for nighttime for naps he will put himself to sleep no problem in his crib. I just dont know what to do because for naps he sleeps on his belly while I can watch him very close I dont dare do this at night and he just wont sleep on his back unless I am next to him. Hopefully soon we can get this figured out so we can have our night times back and not have to be so quiet at 8pm lol. I just love this little boy more then I ever thought I could and cant wait to see him grow.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Slobber mouth
Where has the time gone seems days and weeks just fly right by while im tucked into my own little world still figuring out this parenthood thing. Its true your firstborn gets the worst of things its a lot to figure out I am glad I was a middle child lol poor boy has had to learn right along with us but we are getting better everyday. I cant believe here soon he will be three months old its pretty crazy to think he has been here that long already but at the same time what did we ever do without him? You will most definitely never be bored again with a baby there is always something to do. I am afraid we have reached the teething milestone. While most will say its too early I can tell this poor guy is just starting to feel the pain. He DROOLS all day everywhere we are going through so many outfits its just crazy he is constantly spitting out mouthfuls of it and he chokes on it as well. First thing in the mornings we get a big giant smile then fingers straight into the mouth to be chomped on. I made an expensive purchase of all things teething on amazon today and hopefully he will get some relief. I bought the cutest little bandanna bigs they are adorable and will hopefully keep my laundry load down. I also bought those little mesh binkis and am hoping to freeze some breast milk and let him chomp away! I got him one of those raw amber teething necklaces we will have to see how it does im not sure but its worth a shot and the reviews were all great. It seems this has interrupted his sleep and nap time already. We were finally at a place where he was going for four to five hours at night then two or three and it was awesome! His naps were pretty good too we would get some two and a half hours with a few halfs thrown in but now oh now its much different. Lets see last night finally got him to sleep around nine pm only to wake up at ten pm. This went on and on he probably only slept for maybe 2.5 hour stretch at most all night and poor thing was so tired. I dont even want to talk about naps today ha ha he has slept for 55 minutes ALL DAY. Its so sad to see him so tired and not be able to rest peacefully makes me very sad but soon this shall pass too at least I now know thing part of parenthood that hard times will keep coming and going as long as they do go we will make it through. I tell you what once you make it past a newborn I feel like you can handle anything they throw at you lol. My little mr is getting to be such a smarty pants he will now hold his toys and put them in his little mouth it is very adorable but oh man watch out if he drops it all hell breaks lose until I can as fast as possible get it back into he hands. Life is good over here loving my little boy and thankful for him everyday three month update to come soon!
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
One day
There is going to come a time where I am going to miss all of this. This time in my life right now all these moments are going to keep coming and going. While its hard to understand right now through my new mamma fog brain I am going to miss this. I wish I could capture all of these memories and save them for my future self. The raw emotions a new mother goes through all the learning she has to do to become the person she was meant to be. If I could only pause time right now and go ask my future old self what I miss the most and what to cherish before its all gone so fast. I try my hardest to appreciate the time we have right now together the days already pass by so fast your getting so big growing right before my eyes. Its hard to think right now or at 1 am and again at 3 am sometimes all night long that soon you wont need this you wont need me in the night anymore. I try to remind myself to always be patient and to relish in everything you do and I think I do pretty good the best I can in my sleep deprived state but im afraid it wont be enough that my future self is going to be upset I didnt try harder to live in the moment. I wont lie sometimes late at night I tell myself I wish you would grow faster and be older so this isnt so hard. Its those new mama emotions someone should warn you about but seems no one ever mentions the fierce part of nature that takes over your body in those first few weeks they took me by a storm. I lost myself in a million little pieces only to find who I was always meant to be. Now here we are almost two and half months later and im not so scared anymore we know each other and I have fallen in love so much harder then I thought was even possible. Now im going to do my best to savor every moment we have right now because its all going to be gone too soon. I want to always remember the way you stare it seems right through me when your nursing the way you accidently unlatch yourself because your smiling so big. The middle of the night when the world is asleep and its just me and you and the quiet no noise no lights your chubby little hands gripping on so tight. I could already go back and tell the new mom that was crying day and night in the beginning to just hang on tell her she is already missing out on you missing the newborn moments in the haze. So for now today and always I am going to think to my future self and what would she be saying so I dont look back and regret missing out I want to feel it all its okay if I dont sleep again anytime soon I know one day that I will and I will wish that I wasnt. I love you little boy you made me something I was not before and I am learning right along with you one day at a time.
Friday, January 23, 2015
8 weeks old
My sweet little boy is 8 weeks old almost two months its just so crazy how fast its going by! We are really getting a lot better at being parents its crazy how your life changes so much in an instant it definitely takes some getting used to. We are starting to try and get him on a better schedule before we were just going with his cues he ate on demand which was constantly!! Then we would get him to sleep when he seemed tired but now im trying to give him a little bit more of a routien and it seems to be helping with nights. The past two nights he finally slept more then only two hours he seems to go three hours then sometimes will get up after just another hour then goes another three and once more with a few little wake ups but will go right back down and up at seven. It feels a lot better knowing we have some sort of an idea how the nights are going to go it was getting really hard to just be up at all hours and poor boy was not getting any good quality sleep. It seems he is only needing to wake up to feed twice at night now around 12 and 4 am. I feel like a whole new person getting a three hour stretch like that. He is napping much better during the day also I am happy he is finally getting the rest he needs. His two month check up is on Monday and I am very excited to see how much he has grown my back can tell you its a lot! Im betting he is close to 14 pounds already he is fitting into a lot of three month clothes and still can wear a few 0-3. He is finally starting to love his play mat he is very interested in colors and lights. He seems to have a blast kicking his piano and has started to grab at the hanging toys its been so much fun. He is smiling a lot more everyday you have to work for it but its oh so worth it. He is still exclusively breastfed and loves it he is a champ at eating. During the day we are trying to go with the eat/play/sleep thing and it seems to be working out he sometimes still seems hungry after the play so he will have a little snack before I lay him down for a nap im trying to stop feeding him to sleep but if its what comforts him for now im not going to take that away from him this young. His favorites right now would be Eating of course and he seems to love laying on his back and just hanging out thats when we get the most smiles and his play mat. He dislikes not being held and you must stand up no sitting! Going down for naps he fusses but usually will not fight me too bad anymore. He is just getting to be so fun and I cant wait for him to keep growing and doing all the new fun things as he does. Love my miracle baby and grateful for him everyday.
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