Oh my love how can you already be two weeks old yesterday!! Its hard to find the time to write when your always on the boob but that is okay. Where to start I have so much to say but no time to say it. These past two weeks have flew by but at times it goes so slow. I have never been so exhausted or more in love in my whole life. No one could ever prepare you for a newborn its the hardest thing I have ever done but also the most rewarding even if it is just drunken milk smiles at all hours of the night. You dont like to sleep at night and it makes for a very sleep deprived mommy but we are getting the hang of it. When we first got home I was so overwhelmed and scared I didnt sleep for a week straight so scared he would stop breathing in the night. Its gotten much much better I get more and more comfortable with him and it seems we are getting to know eachother more everyday. I love the sweet baby noises you make when you sleep or for the few hours that you are awake and not mad you just stare bright eyed. We think your going to keep those beautiful blue eyes you get those from your daddy you look so much like him its the sweetest thing. Here soon I will get the birth post up just as soon as I get another second to myself. We took you to your check up today and you my boy are growing so well all that boob is really doing something for you you already weight 8.9 lbs and are up to 21 inches thats amazing and makes your mom feel good about all those hours spent feeding you constantly. We managed to get your newborn pictures done not to the delight of yourself though you hated it and screamed the whole time but we got a few ones captured I am happy to at least have a few for the books. I cant wait to see you grow its already going so fast I need to slow down and enjoy these moments even if I cant keep my eyes open. I love you more then you could ever know and im so excited for our future together as a family your waking up now sweet boy got to go.
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