I am so happy to have made it here! Now if I could just figure out where exactly here is ha ha. I have been told 26 weeks is the start of the third trimester and I have also heard 28 weeks is the start so im going to go with 27 weeks right in the middle and say that I have made it!! When I got the first squinter line that made me think I was really going crazy and seeing things I never could have imagined making it this far. Of course I hoped with all my heart I would get to take this baby home there are just so many obstacles and things that can happen that make it really hard to believe its actually going to happen. My little man is getting stronger everyday and he makes it very known I just am loving every part of being pregnant and feel so happy grateful for him. I am still feeling nervous I think I will feel that way until he is actually here safe in my arms. I had my first dream of him and it was amazing I just cant wait for it to be real! I have been going to my hypnobirthing classes it has been going so well I really am enjoying them and my husband is even liking them so that really helps. We have been to three so far and I really feel like its going to help me so much I have never felt so relaxed and been able to let go like that its been an awesome experience. Its definitely one of those things you have to keep practicing or it will not be very helpful so im trying to spend a good 30 min or more a day to practicing the techniques. I have been going much more slower down steps after that fall I guess your just so used to being able to run around like you always have that you just have to remember your body is not the same and is going to keep changing. My belly has really started to pop out and its just been so fun to watch him roll all around in it. We have our family baby shower this Saturday and its something I have always dreamed about I cant wait for it!!
*How far along: 27 weeks! *Baby's size: A head of cabbage!! *Baby's progress: Over 2 lbs and 14 inches. *Weight gain: 113 slowly but surely! *Stretch marks: Boobs. *Sleep: Not too bad besides these crazy dreams every single night. *Gender: Little man!!!!!!! *Movement: Getting much stronger loves to play at night. *Best moment of the week: Getting the baby shower stuff all figured out. *Looking forward too: His baby shower on Saturday! *Food cravings:Its seems to hover around mexican food. *Labor signs: No thanks stay away please! *symptoms: Still lower back pain. *Workouts: Nothing too crazy still getting a treadmill for my birthday on the sixth. *What I miss: Mojito's.

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