I could never even get myself to fully imagine what I would feel like when I would finally get here to be pregnant and everything that comes along with it. I honestly never knew if we would ever even make it. So to be here now at 24 weeks pregnant im just blown away by what we are getting to experience and dream. Every night I lay down for bed and this little boy just decides its time to really get things moving and just goes crazy. I am so happy to be able to experience something we wanted so badly and our lucky enough to have gotten. I often see a lot of posts that start out today with viable today or V day I just don't think I feel as excited about the so called viability day as others. I just don't think I feel any safer today then I have the entire time. I am of course completely grateful to have come so far but I just want so badly for him to keep growing strong and healthy in there that today just doesn't ease those fears at least for me. I am amazed at how far we have come though and all the things way he has already grown. Its been amazing to experience those mother hormones before he is even here it just all kicks in so hard and I feel so thankful im getting to experience them. I always wondered why pregnant women always had there hands on their bellies. I now find myself doing the same thing and for me at least its just because I love feeling him move it amazes me I think it always will. I sometimes just stare at my belly dancing around for hours and just laugh and smile. We have gotten the nursery pretty dang far already. My family keeps telling me to stop buying everything and wait for the baby shower but its so hard when you have already waited years to do this and now you get to I can't even help myself. I feel like he could not have come at a better time even though we wanted this so badly for years me and my husband have never been in a better place to have a child and to know its our son it just feels like this was always meant to happen any other way and it would not be him its just crazy in so many ways. I am so grateful to be here I could not even begin to express the gratitude I feel for him.
How far along: 24 weeks!
Baby's size: A freaking canteloup wow!!
Baby's progress: 1.3 lbs and 12 inches.
Weight gain: 111 whoo hoo finally getting somewhere!
Stretch marks: Boobs.
Sleep: Not too bad besides these crazy dreams every single night.
Gender: Little man!!!!!!!
Movement: All of the time now.
Best moment of the week: Getting the changing table set up and ordering the crib.
Looking forward too: Results of Anatomy scan everything looked great from what the tech said but appointment with midwife is on thursday so praying nothing has changed!
Food cravings:Tamales thanks to a cooking show that was on tv lol.
Labor signs: No thanks stay away please!
symptoms: My lower back has started to hurt pretty bad when I am on my feet for too long.
Workouts: Not too much yet just walking mostly still worried to do much other then that.
What I miss: Cold beer but im just fine without it.
Things that suck: I dont even know why this question is on here I dont think I will keep this one because how could anything suck at all right now life has been more amazing then ever.