Well clearly I am a little late and I would have to blame this little mobile almost nine month old! He is into EVERYTHING!! Its adorable though we are at such a fun yet exhausting stage. This little boy is growing by leaps and bounds. He is the smartest little thing and learns new stuff all day long. I need to write it all down before I start getting things all mixed up he does new stuff everyday. Lets talk about food! His appetite has really grown he seems to be hungry no matter what. He is a bottomless pit I swear! This is a typical day of eating for this boy. Wakes up about 630-7 am. Nurses on both sides completely empties them! Then we head out to get the day started and I either give him some applesauce or a yogurt with some fruit. Maybe he will have a few puffs for a little snack then he will nurse again before naptime around 930-10. Once he is up either a half hour to sometimes an hour and a half I will make him a bigger breakfast sometimes we just skip to lunch time. He will have eggs and fruit or maybe some french toast even a waffle. For lunches we do grilled cheeses he LOVES those! Or I will just boil some veggies and let him go at it. He really loves anything and everything. I will feed him a huge meal and then make me some and I never get away without sharing it. Then for the afternoon he will have another nap and when he is up I will give him another snack pretty much just anything healthy I can find thats easy. Around 6pm is dinner and he gets whatever we are having as long as we are not cheating and having take out or something if thats the case I will whip him up something small and healthier. He loves all sorts of dinners. He will eat chicken and rice or hamburger he really loves it all. I feel like I could feed him all day long and he would still gladly eat it all gone. I am thinking we are in trouble with groceries the bigger he gets lol. He is still up twice a night to nurse also boy is a hungry little hippo! *Teeth! He has two bottom front ones all the way in and im sure the top two are going to be coming in no time! He is really good with them while nursing I have only been bitten maybe three times and he listens well when I tell him No bite! Sleep is still a work in progress boy has never been a good sleeper. Some nights he will go seven hours which is amazing but its hardly a frequent happening in this house. He seems to still be every three to four hours and I will tell you I am very very tired! I am handling it though it does get harder on different days. Sometimes I wonder how it would be to be one of those that have babies that sleep 10 plus hours at night right from the start. Then I think about all the extra time im getting to spend with him and it makes it all okay it wont be long before I am missing getting up with him at night and him needing me. Mobility has really soared. He has been crawling since he was about four months old so now that he is almost nine months old he is a little pro. This boy can practically run on his little knees! He is crazy fast and will anyday be taking his first steps. He loves to pull up on anything and everything and he can run while holding onto the couch or the stair railing. He also will crawl over anything be it us or a box really anything! I bought him a ball pit thinking hey this will contain him for a second so maybe I can say get the dishes done without my little helper "helping". Nope that boy crawled right over that ball pit and on his little way he went. Very cute though!! He is a little social butterfly and is scared of nothing. Loves loud noises loves the vacuum I can chase him around with it and he could care less how loud it is. He is a little cheeser out in public big huge smiles and lately he has been doing a little scrunchy nose face and smiles with his eyes its adorable and of course everyone just loves it. He is really getting into books and loves to play with them while talking away. He can clap and give high fives. He will way hello and goodbye. He also loves to kick balls. He is really good at actually kicking it too we may have a little future soccer player on our hands although daddy is hoping for football ha ha. He really has turned into such a little kid these days I just cant believe this boy is the same little newborn we brought home not even nine months ago. He adores the pets and loves to be out in nature. We could not be more lucky to have this smart healthy little boy in our lives. I cant believe I am already planning a First birthday party soon! So very grateful!!