These updates keep coming faster and faster it seems. This boy is growing and learning so fast it blows my mind. I swear sometimes I feel like I have a little super star kid this boy is so so smart already. He amazes me everyday just how much he changes. This month brought a lot of fun new things. Little man has gotten super fast at crawling he loves it when I chase him and he will crawl as fast as his little legs will take him its adorable I need to get a video of it. He is getting really good at finding what toy he wants to get and crawls to it then he will just sit right up and start to play with it he is very efficient at it and has no problem plopping back down and going on his way to another toy. I have a feeling he is going to be walking in no time he will crawl to anywhere he can reach and pull himself right up to standing. Its been scary I can no longer even run to bathroom to pee because in seconds that boy will be off somewhere trying to stand up and its just madness. His hand eye coordination is awesome he can put little basketballs in the mini hoop we got him and he loves to put his books in and out of the book box on the floor. We have bought him a little cube learning center and he goes crazy on it he can do every single thing on it without a problem he loves turning the gears. My baby boy got his first tooth! Its still cutting through poor thing but its pretty visible and you can feel the sharp tops of it. Life has been a little crazy we finally sold our home and right now we are living in a home for rent for three months while we figure out what the real plan is. Poor boy got threw off his routine and im paying for it he is back to waking up at least four times a night but its okay im very tired again but im sure he is confused hopefully soon it gets back to only once or twice. We got family pictures done finally and they are awesome I only have a couple previews right now im excited to see the rest. I just cant believe how fast this kid is learning I already feel like I need to watch my language around him because he knows what is going on im sure not everything but that boy is smart and its only a matter of time before he is repeating what we say lol. He loves his solids thats for sure he will eat pretty much anything we give him. Most dinners we will just make a little side for him with no seasonings or stuff like that and put it on his high chair and he will go right at it and eat it all up he has gotten very good at getting the food into his mouth and not all over the floor. The tantrums have already started boy is obsessed with the gross dog toys we have bought that kid a million toys and the second he sets eyes on the dog toy he flies for it and when I go to get it he screams and arches his back all crazy its adorable but seems so soon were in for it I can tell. I love him to pieces I am so so happy I got him he has grown right into our family and I cant wait for all the new adventures to come I wonder what month eight will bring im going to bet he will be walking by then we will see!