
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Six months old and lots of Firsts

I swear I tried my hardest not to blink and here we are a whole half a year has already flew by. This month has been full of lots of new discoveries and firsts. Not all of them have been good ones. We had our first fever and I seriously didn't handle it well at all I am not sure if it was the trauma of going through IVF or what but I could have sworn my poor little boy was getting very sick and that something terrible was happening. Thank goodness it was not I was just being a scared first time mom but that feeling of helplessness was something strong. Poor guy was teething im pretty sure because it lasted just one long horrible day and that was that. I took that boys temperature probably at least fifty times poor guy but I was terrified. Then not only two days later he got his first cold thank goodness for the nose frida I love that thing him not so much! So that is where we are now we have all had the sniffles and coughs but things are getting better so cant complain. The sixth month has brought on a whole new exciting world with Aiden. He has been making leaps and bounds in his development. He is still very much loving his solids he gets them twice usually a day with a snack thrown in sometimes. He has tried all sorts of foods at this point we were mostly giving him pureed food that I would make but now that he is six months old we are giving him one meal whole so he can get the hang of feeding himself. He picked up on it very quick it is hilarious I dont know if its the way it feels in his fingers or what but he will be so freaked out at first every time we give him something he pokes it and gags a little bit its the cutest. The boy has found his voice and instead of babbling like he used to he SCREAMS for everything all day long just yelling and screaming its been a bit hard to handle my poor ears need some plugs im afraid the neighbors think we are beating the poor guy but he is happy the whole time just likes to scream to get his point across. We moved him into his own room and it was really rough at first I mean he still wakes up a lot at night but adding that to me watching the monitor while he was asleep about wore me out I was very very tired for that first week. Its been about three weeks now and I have gotten better he still wakes up about three times a night but at least I can finally sleep again while he is. I cant wait for him to sleep more I am not sure what it is but he has never ever been a good sleeper and now at six months of this im finally getting worn out from it I have tried letting him cry a little to see if he will settle himself and nooo he sure wont he will just scream louder and louder until he is breathing funny and I just cant deal with that but I do hope soon he gets it and will sleep at night better. The slobber has came back full force and im positive we will see a tooth any day now pop through. I think the funnest new thing happening right now is that we have a crawler this kid can get around now and it is the cutest thing he goes all over but he is not so sure of the tile where its carpeted he will get right to the end where the tile starts and slaps his little hands on it then turns around I wouldn't want to crawl on that hard surface either! He has been sitting by himself now for a couple weeks and it makes him look like such a big boy. He is very smart and I feel like he is already able to understand somewhat is going on around him. We have his six month check up today and I am excited to see how much he has grown my sore back can tell you already that its a lot. As for me and my husband we have a made a huge life changing decision we have put our home up for sell and are going to be moving out of state!! The house listed on Tuesday and we went under contract that same day it went so fast it was crazy! I am excited to get out of Utah and go to the pretty state of Oregon. The biggest reason for doing this is to raise our boy somewhere better the people here are not so nice and there is just not a whole lot to do for kids. The schools in Oregon are some of the best in the country and its beautiful and full of good nice people. We cant wait to get out there and start our new life lots of adventures await us!! We are still cloth diapering and breastfeeding solids have not changed any feeds at all if anything this boy eats more now then ever!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Five months old

Well I did really good all of the other months with staying caught up but this month I got behind. I really wanted to keep up with my blog more but priorities come into play and this one is just not as high up. Little man is now 5 and a half months old that half a year mark is right around the corner and its so crazy. I swear this little cutie just is the smartest thing ever. When you think of a baby you think of a newborn at least I always did i didn't think they could start really having their own wants and things like that until they were much older like at least one years old. Well this little boy makes his wants and needs very known we will have all his toys laid out to play with and he will pick the one that he can sometimes make himself gag on and so I seen him do it a few times and was like welp this toy is going away for a while and grabbed it hid it behind the other toys and gave him another of his favorites. Well who did i think I was fooling not smarty pants no no he dug through all the toys and grabbed that one he had right back up and was a happy little camper I couldn't believe he knows things like that already. So I gave in and held it for him to chew on oh man it was hilarious though that little look of oh I got you cant trick me was the best. He is such a strong boy he has been rolling all over the house for over a month now and when he see's an animal he will not crawl exactly but drag and roll his little body right over to get his hands on them. He LOVES the pets we have two cats and two dogs and boy is obsessed. He has fallen in love with his jumparoo and will stay and play happily in it for 30 minutes even he loves to rip out the toys from the frame its hilarious im like well who built this and thought it was baby proof he will pull them right out of their holes in the frame. He is still no where sleeping through the night and i'm okay with it my body has adjusted to waking up four, five even six times a night but in the morning I still feel like I got enough sleep some days are tougher then others but here soon I think we will put him in his own room if I can handle it! He is a very observant little boy he loves to be in the conversation or be talked about he knows it too. He is such a happy guy and will smile at anyone all day long. He still has no teeth yet I thought for sure he would by now but I can tell he is feeling it poor boy. He can hold himself in a standing position as long as he is holding on good to something for support I really think he is going to be walking well before a year old. He has really dived right in to eating solids and has tried all kinds of organic foods I started out pureeing them myself really well until almost liquid and slowly I am leaving them more and more chunky so he can get used to chewing im hoping here in another month or so to have him doing baby led weaning he will definitely grab food and feed himself but he is a hungry boy and gets frustrated if its not happening fast enough ha ha. I feel like i'm really getting this motherhood thing down and have fallen so in love with my boy I cant imagine it ever being another way now i'm amazed still that I get to keep him forever and life is just good! We are in the process of selling our townhome and buying a real one so wish us luck!