Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Follow up
Thank goodness for my awesome midwife!! We went to our appointment with the specialist and did a very thorough ultrasound. I am happy to say the cord is not actually around his little neck that it really is only around the back and kind of hangs down on the shoulders at one point we even seen it fall off the shoulder and just float around. The doctor said he is not worried one bit and he wouldn't have been worried if it was around it just once they would have just monitored me a little more closer and maybe have done some NST. I feel so relieved I seriously didnt sleep for the four nights before the appointment finally came I was so scared I would make it tighter somehow. My poor husband hated seeing me so worried I would just start crying and it was just really hard I feel like a lot of it comes from how hard it was to get him im just so scared to lose him we are so close to getting to finally meet him I was just distraught. I am so thankful everything is fine and my plans for a natural birth are still one of course anything can change but for now everything is fine he is healthy and strong and I just cant wait to meet him. We went on a little last vacation and got a cabin in the Colorado mountains it was so pretty and peaceful. We took some cavern rides that went way up to the top of the mountains and it was just beautiful. We stayed right next to the Colorado river and went on some fun hikes. Trying to hike 8 months pregnant is something else though ha ha his little head is right on my cervix and it hurts to feel him bouncing it on it! We even took the dogs and they had a great time I think they thought we were moving in for good. We went to the giant mineral hot springs and it felt amazing I couldnt get in the hot one but they had one that was around 90-93 degrees and it felt awesome plus it was all cold and rainy so it was just very relaxing. We had a great time its so crazy to think here soon it wont just be us anymore I have enjoyed our time we had together to just be us as a couple and enjoy our marriage but im so ready for this new exciting chapter I cant wait for us to experience parenthood the holidays just seem so much better already. Today I am 31w2d getting so so close and thankful for each day he is growing strong inside.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Ten weeks left!!!!!!
Finally made it to the official countdown and could not be more excited! Today I am 30 weeks exactly it really has just flown by. My little boy is doing so good and growing strong he has started to move around so much more and I am definitely getting those kicks to the ribs I always heard about. We went this Saturday and got a 3D ultrasound and it was the most amazing thing ever to see his sweet little face like that. I almost felt like I cheated and peeked on him before we were supposed to ha ha but he looks so much like my husband it just made it so much more real. We also noticed his cord was wrapped around the back of his neck which honestly scared the hell out of me. The person who did the ultrasound is not a certified doctor or anything but did try to say not to worry and that it is really common. So of course I went home and went at it with doctor google. Turns out this is very common and happens in about 30% of pregnancies. Just something new I learn about everyday it seems but still even with that knowledge all I could think about was that cord going around the back of his neck and it was not even around the front of his neck but more looks like he was wearing it like a necklace that comes down in the front. So today I went to my midwifes and let them know my concerns and thankfully they also said they see this all the time and they deliver babies everyday with the cords sometimes wrapped even three times so while this did make me feel better I was still worried. They set me up with a peri thank goodness just to do a follow up and check blood flow to be positive all is well. It will be nice to get that reassurance she said she is mostly doing this for me to be at peace then because she is worried about anything but after all we went through she said she understands being scared about it. So Friday is that appointment then we took a few days off from work to go on a nice last time vacation I am not sure where yet but we do want to go do something one last time before this sweet little boy gets here. I cant believe time is going so fast now I cant wait to meet him and see his little face for reals. We pretty much have everything we need and his room is pretty well done. I just have to start to pack the hospital bag here and there and that just blows me away. We have only 70 days left until the due date I hope he decides to come a little early so we wont be in the hospital for Thanksgiving but whenever he decides to come im okay with. The holidays are going to be so much better I get so excited seeing all of the fall stuff just knowing that its getting closer and closer to when he will come.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
28 weeks
Ahhh Seven months today and I cant even believe it. I feel so grateful to have come so far after such a rough journey. I still have dreams and wake up crying remembering the hard times and the what ifs. What if we never have a baby what if IVF never works. There were so many things and it was so hard to keep going. I am so thankful that we only had to do 3 IUI's and Two fresh IVF's to get this little boy. It used to seem like so much and it was in ways but to see so many others struggling and going on their third, fourth even fifth cycles it takes so much out of you to keep going like that I cant even imagine having to keep trying that many times but I would have without a doubt to make it to here eventually. We are all warriors for sure but once you make it here the gratitude you will have for that child is so much more than it ever could have been without the struggle to get here. I am grateful for every kick every single thing pregnancy brings I love it and I hear many of my friend complain non stop about things that they have no idea how lucky they are to even be experiencing its hard to hear but im just glad its not me thats like that and I can truly appreciate this miracle in ways they never would be able to comprehend. It does pay off I can tell you that it ways that are amazing and will forever be in the way you look at and raise your child. The struggle is real but the gratitude and appreciation are so much more. I am now for sure in the third trimester if I was not before. It feels good I have been lucky to not have many problems with being pregnant he is healthy and growing and so am I. My blood pressure is always low and my weight gain has been slow and steady . I go for my glucose test tomorrow hopefully all is well with that. I then have my 28 weeks appointment on thursday and hopefully I have continued to gain weight I can tell he is getting bigger I got my first kick to the rib and while it hurt it was also funny and welcoming. I can now feel body parts poking out I have no idea what they are but its amazing. *How far along: 28 weeks! *Baby's size: Eggplant!! *Baby's progress: 2.5 pounds and over 14 inches. *Weight gain: 113 slowly but surely! *Stretch marks: Boobs. *Sleep: Not too bad getting up to pee now a lot he likes to bounce around on my bladder. *Gender: Little man!!!!!!! *Movement: Lots of rolling and kicks. *Best moment of the week: Finally getting a baby shower of my own it was amazing. *Looking forward too: My baby shower here at work in a few weeks! *Food cravings:Its seems to hover around mexican food. *Labor signs: No thanks stay away please! *symptoms: Still lower back pain. *Workouts: Waiting for my treadmill this weekend! *What I miss: Alcohol lol sad but true! I was so excited to have my first baby shower over the long weekend and it turned out amazing. I was pretty ready for it to be over by the end of it though my back was really starting to hurt. We went with such a cute little man mustache theme and I thought it turned out so great. We got lots of gifts for him and it was awesome just seeing the support. We did the DIY onesies and everyone was so creative we got some really cute ones that I cant wait for him to wear.

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